Want to buy an XJS, or want some parts to keep yours on the road. Send an email to info@xjsclub.org with your advert and we will publish it here free of charge. Remember to include your full contact details
WANTED by previous XJS owner
XJS C 3.6 or 4.0 Celebration. Convertible only, not concourse, but good condition, solid and reliable for travel around Europe next spring.
Low owners, long term enthusiast preferably, FSH or pretty near, Good records of work done, low mileage. NO V12s or projects.
Budget up to c.£15k Not too good to be able to use regularly.
Nick email tacwcc@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile 07711715271. based in Sussex
Seeking early XJS. Details of 2 models of interest below. Must be in good to concours condition. Original or restored cars. No restoration projects. Will consider any colour and interior trim combination.
Pre HE XJ-S. Prefer early model with black rear panel, will consider later model without the black rear panel.
XJS HE. Pre 1983.
Private Buyer .email Sophie. sophiet70@yahoo.com
WANTED : Late model facelift coupe 6LTR. Must be low milage. Please email James Hull on james@jdhull.com
Wanted by private buyer Early XJ-S from 1975 or 1976. Excellent condition preferred but absolutely anything considered. Manual or Automatic.Tel 07432 712457 or e-mail tarast@btinternet.com
Pre HE XJS wanted . I have had a1975 and 3 1994s but want to get another pre he now.
Cash awaits the right car. Manual would be fantastic but a nice auto would just fit the bill.
I can be contacted on a67swm@gmail.com or 07816 791240
HE XJS V12 Pre-facelift, must be British racing green with Magnolia or Doe-skin interior, preferably with trip computer, electric seats, and fishtank headlamps/wipers (latter not essential however) concourse not essential, would consider project vehicle. Midlands based so distance no object for the right vehicle
Email richard_j_chappell@hotmail.co.uk Phone 07950 329271
Wanted xjsc rubber seals to fit top of roof.
Contact Stuart on...tel no 08970 235377
E mail stuart_field@btinternet.com
Battery Cover Wanted
I'm looking for a battery cover for my XJS 1995 CONVERTIBLE (in Grey colour). If anyone has one for sale, or any advice,
Please email reed@me.com
Facelift 1992
rear corner chrome bumper blades (LHS and RHS)
Contact Grant at email ami8soulfood@yahoo.co.uk
XJS 3.6 manual coupe in very good condition (1986 or earlier). Must have comprehensive history and relatively low miles/owners.
Contact Daniel - dtvk1977@gmail.com
WANTED : Late model facelift coupe (pref Celebration) 4 LTR. Up to 75k miles. Please email Alex on alex@eye-on-energy.co.uk 01767 600931 07971 223821
Wanted-AJ16 XJS 4.0L coupe
Must be in excellent structural and mechanical condition, preferably waxoyled, with FSH and provenance.
Please contact Jerry..marsden@btinternet.com, or 07785291079. Based in Birmingham.
Wanted 16" lattice alloy wheels . Any condition considered . Please phone Bob on 07764943002.
Required for facelift 4.0L 1992 last six of vin 185428
I am looking for good quality front bumper blades both sides and center piece, headlamp rims, and rear near side (right) chrome bumper blade. Chrome electric mirrors both sides, chrome door handles both sides and chrome window trims
Contact Gary at garymay83@btinternet.com
Wanted: Facelift XJR-S or 6.0L,
anything considered. Please e-mail me at richard_tomkins@hotmail.com
Xjs convertible wanted must be cheap!
Work not objected to anything considered. Contact bob on: 07764943002 phone or text orbob989smith@gmail.com
Headlight for my 1985 XJS-c for offside (RHD car) , must be in good order. contact jamesjhands@gmail.com or tel 07876795437 with details and price .
Interior Black Leather Seats needed for 1987 Convertible, tonneau also required.
Please contact arron.holmes@live.com
Wanted, XJS with a V12 engine pre 1986. The car can be any year providing the condition is good.
I'm looking to collect a car in February-March time as I live on the Isle of Man and would require time off work and ferry tickets to collect the car. I would require a car with a current mot to drive home.
I'm looking to spend £1500 - £2500 on a car. The car needs to pass a manx mot so I would require it to be in good working order, I also plan to use this car as my daily.
If your planing to sell a XJS please call me on : 07624318093
I am in need of a left hand headlight washer nozzle cover part # LHE7055AA for my 1995 XJS.
As I am in the USA the best way to contact me is through my work email jim.knott@carrier.utc.com
Wooden steering wheel for 1989 XJS.
Contact Mike on 0798 408 5054.
Rear cubby hole panel wanted for 89 convertible. Rear seat conversion available in exchange / cash . If you have one for sale or know someone who does please ring or text Bob on 07764943002
1994 - 1996, XJS Celebration Convertible, white/cream/ivory interior and probably blue/turquoise exterior, with most extras. Must be in good condition, preferably owned and serviced by an enthusiast. It will be professionally inspected.
Greg Nutkins
07800596294 - 24 hours
I need a pair of eyelets for the front footwell carpet for my facelift XJS. I actually only need the top half of the eyelets, preferably in ‘champagne’ or alternatively in ‘coffee’ colour. Only the bottom retainer ring, having the same part number GMB9508 is available from dealers or specialists, and I have these already.
Alternatively, a new or near perfect driver’s footwell carpet in ‘champagne’ might be acceptable.
Please contact Peter in the UK on 07745 202998.
Wanted: Early Facelift 4.0 WORKSHOP MANUAL
I’m 16 and trying to restore my car and while I have a digital copy, some of it isn’t very clear and I’m not fortunate enough to own some fancy iPad (nor do I care to get one!) to view properly really. A nice workshop manual would be a real treat!
Please email me your offers at sebastian72@hotmail.co.uk, and come forth to help me in my restoration!
Wanted: Set of XJS Celebration wheels
Willing to consider any condition but must have the potential to be refurbished into as new condition. Willing to collect ( I am based in Kent). Please send me an email to andrewrfarmer@hotmail.com or a text to 07909 895094. Many thanks, Andrew
07909 895094
XJS 3.6 - 4.0 Jaguar wanted. Prefer a low mileage example no more than 80,000 miles with a good sound body and service history. please call Peter 07968 257515 phogben@talktalk.net
Gearbox required for 1983 xjsc 3.6 manual. Please contact me if you have one or know where I could get one.
Looking for cabriolet soft top parts and complete hoods. Please contact me if you have these or know where they can be sourced. Many thanks, Richard Marsh Tel:07597758364 or email: richardmarsh@assetmc.co.uk
Late, face-lift XJS 4.0 litre Coupe wanted by enthusiast. Must be in good condition and not high mileage; preferably not black . 0709 2040310 ( no texts please)
Wanted a pair of Left Hand Drive head lamps for my 1987 XJ-SC.
Telephone 004 795 837 898
B B Bower
Looking for a new door card for my 1991 3.6 xjs.
Tim Marchant
5 Long Elms
Abbots Langley, Herts, WD5 0JS
Tel. 07960077310
Looking for replacement bonnet lining/insulation plus fixings for 1996 XJS Convertible Celebration.
Please contact David Cosham on 01963 440000.
Battery cover and Cruise Control switch for a 1990 XJS V12 Convertible
email mike@radmeremedical.co.uk or phone 07771633800
My late grandfather had a 1983 Jaguar XJS Sports Automatic car, following his death this was sold by Auction in Lincolnshire in 2012, the car had a very distinctive number plate being A666 LEG. I know the car had an MOT until the 13/10/14 and tax until 10/10/13.
I am trying to track this car down and wondered if anyone has any information or know of its current location they can contact me on the information below:
As a new member I’m seeking a 4.0 coupe, auto ,preferably a celebration model in good condition. I hope you can help,
Hamish Moore tel 07930345757 hamishmoore66@icloud.com
Wanted, XJS Celebration wheels
Wanted for 1989 XJS 5.3 V12
ABS/Brake Control Module
Contact Mike Harbon on 07984095054 or mikeharbon@hotmail.com
WANTED lower chrome window trim (drivers side) for my 1995 Celebration, please message clive.darvill@gmail.com