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 Following the advice given by The Director General of the World Health Organisation and our Prime Minister, flanked by the chief scientific officer, Sir Patrick Vallance and Professor Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer, It was obvious from what they all said, that the battle against this virus will not be won in laboratories and research institutions alone, but with the help of ordinary people like you and me. We all share a responsibility to defeat this scourge.

We are a responsible organisation, populated by intelligent and responsible people. You will therefore understand the decision that has been taken to cancel all activity and events we attend up to 30th June 2020. 

I know that this will cause a lot of disappointment for Club Members, but at this stage I fear that a lot of events, if not already cancelled, will be shortly. We have amongst us several colleagues vital to the running of the Club colleagues who fall into the vulnerable category, and I've no doubt that many Owner Members also have underlying health problems that make events of any kind extremely dangerous to their well being.

The situation will be monitored over the coming days and weeks and you will be notified of any changes by email or via this page.

To see which events are affected by this decision, please click here 

Please take care and stay safe.

Martin Gliddon

XJS Club

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